الأحد مع علامات علامات القط، ماكياج وكذلك سحر المدونة التميمة، المجلد. 202

Tabs excels at numerous things — really, he’s like the da Vinci of American Shorthair tabbies — however he sure might utilize a lesson in subtlety.

Take today’s pet poll. Tabs felt we were overdue for one, however instead of asking well for my help, he bit my elbow as well as barked, “Meow!”


Which is fussy tabby code for, “Get cracking!”

Whatev. There’s no point in arguing with him when he gets like this. It’s much better to just concede.

من هو تطابق القط؟ بعد حوالي خمس سنوات أصدق صديقا طابا عيبا بالطعم مع وضع ضعيف من الديدان. I might see he’d fallen on difficult times, however his profound understanding of high fashion as well as department store cosmetics led me to believe that he was much more than satisfies the eye. انتهى بنا المطاف كوننا أصدقاء سريعة، وكذلك الآن هو حقا مدير بلدي (ونموذج كيتي ناجح).

The Sundays With Tabs Sunday Pet Poll


Same concept as the Monday Poll. just copy/paste the listing below into your comment. Tabs as well as I like hearing about your furry as well as fur-less good friends (he likewise sees it as “researching the competition”).


القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟

42 دولار

تسوق الآن

How would you explain your pet in five words?

Husky diva kitty supermodel/entrepreneur.

Which Hollywood star would play your pet in a film about his/her life?

Obviously somebody lovely as well as attractive (obviously). as well as he would have to have some meat on his bones as well as be able to play a bit of a rough-and-tumble thug. perhaps Christopher Meloni?

What’s one thing your pet does that melts your heart?

When he sleeps in our bed with the night, which he seldom does. many nights he sticks around for a few minutes of lurvies, then leaves when he gets his fill.

Are there any type of foods your pet refuses to eat?

قطعاً. In fact, he’s the only one in this household who doesn’t like Trader Joe’s.

Tabs likes to eat — sliced turkey, wheat bread (yes, wheat bread), seafood, as well as quite much anything in gravy) — as well as he fancies himself as a bit of a feline foodie, however he cannot stand Trader Joe’s feline غذاء. He won’t touch it.

Does your pet get together with other animals?

Only animals of the human variety, to which he’s extremely sweet, however he’s hyper-territorial around other cats.

If he so much as catches a peek of a feline far off in the distance, he crouches low, grumbles angrily as well as puffs up his tail. as well as if the feline approaches, Tabs takes off after it like an upset lion!

Big sigh… I’ve wished to get Tabs a sibling for a while, however I’m scared he’d be a bully.

How does your pet feel about cosplay, or playing dress-up?

Big paws up for both! He likes playing dress-up, as well as he has rather a wardrobe, actually. He’s especially fond of his yellow submarine costume as well as shark sweater.

But his preferred attire by far is his tweed newsboy cap, which he likes to wear on laid-back Fridays.

Do you ever provide greeting cards in behalf of your pet?

مضحك جداً! نعم. In fact, Tabs just provided a birthday card to El Hub. It was one of those musical ones as well as had a DJ kitty rapping as well as scratching over a hip-hop beat.

It got a great laugh.

What’s the longest you’ve spent separated from your pet?

A few years back El Hub as well as I spent 12 days going to his parents in Hawaii, as well as it was extremely difficult on Tabs, even though he had a pet sitter keeping him company.

He doesn’t offer with modification extremely well…and I understand he missed not having me to manager around. I missed him terribly, too.

Is your pet naturally athletic?

In a word, no. let me put it this way: Tabs did not make the kitty Olympic team this year.

I’m sure he believes of himself as smooth as well as graceful like a jungle cat, however he’s much much more Garfield than Simba.

Back when I understood him as a stray, I would view him walk along the top of a narrow fence behind our house to get to our front door, as well as every time, I’d hold my breath since his back legs would slip a few times along the way. He always handled to catch himself with his sharp claws, however I was always scared he’d fall.

To total the Sundays with Tabs Sunday Pet Poll, just copy the complying with list, as well as paste it with your answers in the comments.

1. exactly how would you explain your pet in five words?
2. Which Hollywood star would play your pet in a film about his/her life?
3. What’s one thing your pet does that melts your heart?
4. are there any type of foods your pet refuses to eat?
5. Does your pet get together with other animals?
6. exactly how does your pet feel about cosplay, or playing dress-up?
7. Do you ever provide cards in behalf of your pet?
8. What’s the longest you’ve been separated from your pet?
9. Is your pet naturallص رياضي؟

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